Ghosts and Spirits

Setting Spirits Free: Clear Negative Energy & Help Ghosts Cross Over by Diana Palm

Through meditation practice and simple instructions, learn how to alter your brain wave frequency in order to safely clear unwelcome energies. Author Diana Palm recounts her own paranormal encounters, providing an up-close look at a wide range of hauntings: lost souls, loved ones in spirit, spirits in disguise, demons, and more. Distinguish ghost imprints from intelligent spirits, protect yourself from spiritual attack and possession, and use Theta Healing to put ghosts at rest.

Contents: 1. Eyes Wide Open  2. The Light  3. What are Ghosts?  4. Discerning Energies  5. Crossing Over Ghosts  6. Possession and Oppression 7. Types of Hauntings  8. Haunted and Blessed Land  9. Ghost-Busting Devices  10. Investigating Your Haunting  11. Paranormal Groups  12. Bizarre Ghostly Encounters  13. Protection

Diana Palm is a spiritual healer, certified Reiki master, and medium. She teaches classes on paranormal investigation, Theta Healing, and mediumship, and works with paranormal investigators to clear haunted locations. 

I don't really know where to start, so I will begin with a confession: I am kind of obsessed with the paranormal. I have been curious about this stuff for years, but ever since I got back from Gettysburg with my own ghost stories to share, I haven't been able to shake my fascination with the other side. In addition to never hearing enough good stories to satisfy this supernatural craving with the deaths of so many loved ones, including the sudden departure of my dad in February, and the new season of the Spooked podcast starting up---it's like I've been in gravity's grip, unable to escape nor really wanting to. So I finally bought this book. And I read it in a week. I have been half dreading this reflection because I know some of you might just write me off as a sucker or finally have the evidence you've needed that I am the weirdest pastor ever... Yet, I know I am not the only one out there fascinated by this subject. This is for you--you who want to know what mediums know but for whatever reason haven't been courageous or open-minded enough to buy a book about it or drop your monthly grocery money for a private session with one. This is for you who are just as excited about ghost stories as I am -- and just as terrified.  I don't even know what to say to the people so vehemently opposed to the existence of ghosts and spirits anymore. I suppose these people think mediums are scam artists, mentally deranged or really good liars--but for a paranormal nerd like yours truly, I think what they have to say is so weird and wildly unexplainable that it just might be true.

"People who see ghosts and spirits are able to see a higher frequency range than the average person. Many people report seeing a ghost or deceased loved one spontaneously have done so upon waking, when they are most likely still in the theta brain wave." (My ghostly encounter happened like this.)

What are Ghosts?
"If a spirit stays behind out of free will for any reason, they surrender their ability to move on in the spirit world. Essentially, they are stuck between earth and the spirit world and exist at a frequency between the two...We refer to these low-frequency spirits as ghosts. A ghost has limited ability to travel and usually attaches to a person, place, or thing. They tend to feel the way they did at the time of their death. If they died on a battlefield and suffered tremendous pain, they still feel that pain. The only relief that can be provided for a ghost is to cross it over and send it into the light to be healed."

"When a "ghost" is crossed over into the light, it raises its vibration and becomes a "spirit." A spirit can be with all their loved ones simultaneously and is not trapped in one location. A spirit can appear to loved ones and help them from the other side. They are not in pain and, in fact, are filled with a peace and love that can come only from merging with the light. A ghost, on the other hand, is mostly caught up in their drama because they haven't been healed yet of earthly issues and pain...they must drain energy from the living in order to sustain themselves, and they remain unhealed."

If nothing else, she sufficiently satisfied my constant state of wonderment about just what in the hell a ghost actually might be. Trapped, stuck, stubborn, afraid of judgment or left with unfinished business, I am going to go with the medium on this one and pray that no one I know fits into any of the above descriptions and is safely healed and free in the light.

This book isn't for everyone--but if you do find yourself being brave enough to pick up a copy, you won't be disappointed. I was even able to read it at night and not have to stick it in the freezer ala Joey from Friends whenever he read The Shining. There's enough in it to blow your mind as well as give you the chills, and yet, it's just really good food for thought about anything spiritual or ghostly you've ever pondered.  I was affirmed in many ways in things I had already been thinking of in regards to a possible afterlife and the spiritual world as well as disturbed and baffled in other ways. Like any good teaching on a strange or unfamiliar topic, I will need some time to think on what I just learned and do some more digging and discovery and self-reflection, but this much I know---truth really is stranger than fiction.

"Spirits have the ability to leave us signs as a special way of saying hello. Their purpose is to express their love for us and to let us know that they still exist. There really is no limit to what a spirit can do when trying to get your attention. But one thing is for certain: they will never harm you in any way."

"It is important to understand that when you are very open, you must take more responsibility to grow spiritually and learn to protect yourself from lower energies. Oftentimes people reopen to their natural psychic abilities when they reach maturity. In most cases, this would be around age forty."
